Show Him Some More Love

Catch Him & Keep Him

Women need to feel the love but do you know how to show your man you love him all the time? How does a man know he's loved? What does he really want from you to know you truly care? Make him feel the love because a good man deserves to see your actions prove your emotions and words.
Show him you love him even when it's too soon to say so. We all know that most men run behind women when it comes to falling in love and openly admitting it but when he hasn't yet said how he feels you can show him you love him by respecting his pace to take it slow and concentrate on owning each feeling and expressing them when he feels comfortable. This simple act of respect and understanding proves that you honestly care and are willing to wait. You easily show him you love him.
In more respect of his place emotionally, be easy on the words you express and the gestures you present. He needs to know you care as waiting for him to fall in love does but the lovey-dovey actions and constant want for affection and talk of feelings can prove too much. Take it down a few notches and just be an excellent girlfriend. That is enough to show him you love him.
Spend time together watching movies, going to the store, or hand him tools in the garage while he works on the car. Just being there to help fetch the tools and talk a little for company proves a lot. He needs to focus but your being there out of want lets him know even quiet time together makes you happy. Love comes in many forms but togetherness in conversation and silence both help.
Let him learn all about you. As time goes on reveal more about dreams you have, stories of growing up, meeting the parents, and other things. Be honest with what you tell him and who you are. A man should love his woman for the person she naturally is. Show him you love him by doing the same for him.
Have The Relationship You Want

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